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Data Data-driven

Are you embracing data to make better product decisions?

Posted by Jake Chody, Product Marketing on April 27 2022

In a world where Twitter looks at where your mouse is on the screen – and how long it stays there – how sophisticated are gambling companies when it comes to using data? 

The key isn’t to accumulate the most amount of data. 

It’s about cleverly using data to make agile decisions and then responding intelligently.  

Take Facebook as example: there’s known to be in the region of 10,000 versions of the social network live. That’s because its engineers have the opportunity to A-B test all manner of areas related to features and appearance in the name of securing better conversions and engagements.  

“Any engineer at the company can basically decide that they want to test something. There are some rules on sensitive things, but in general, an engineer can test something, and they can launch a version of Facebook not to the whole community, but maybe to 10,000 people or 50,000 people—whatever is necessary to get a good test of an experience,” explains CEO Mark Zuckerberg. 

Or Netflix. It describes itself as ‘a data-driven company since its inception’ and utilises data to support decisions across every single element of its business.  

One instance is the sequencing of the localisation of its Originals content into foreign languages according to the popularity of consumption by language and regions of certain types of content. 


Making better use of data 

Sure, that’s Facebook and Netflix. We would expect them to be leading the way. But you don’t need to be a tech titan worth hundreds of billions to understand your data. 

However, are companies, in general, doing enough, and do they understand the benefits? Are they A-B testing or simply staring at a dashboard, looking at numbers, and getting a ‘feeling’ for what’s happening?  

Looking at the gambling sector, the fact that 70% of respondents in Future Anthem’s 2021 State of Online Gambling survey cited an ‘improved use of data as a key focus area for their business suggests there’s an opportunity to be more clever and more targeted. 

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If you are interested in seeing our 2022 State of Online Gambling Data Edition results, see here. 


Address industry challenges 

There are many incentives to improving and eventually mastering the use of data, not least when faced with thousands of game launches each year.  

The learnings can be game-changing. 

Like how to design games for specific player behaviours. Or to improve game launch success rates and build a more optimal road map.  

You can also use it to reduce game decay rates, grow floor share, and promote new games to similar players. 

A solution now exists to do all this and more. 


‘The secret sauce to better game design’ 

Through a combination of AI, machine learning and meta data, Future Anthem has created Game Recipes, a brand new product feature on our Amplifier platform.

The result of processing and training data against machine learning models that are built across billions of spins, we call Game Recipes the secret sauce to better game design; they provide the essential ingredients to build and launch more successful games. 

To find out about Game Recipes or take the next step on your data journey, get in touch and one of our Game Data Science experts will arrange a call. 


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