From personalised content, churn prevention, personalised marketing, and much more, this series will break down the essential learnings that every casino can take from Netflix, and how to quickly begin implementing them.
AI has seen a surge in popularity in 2023, but finding the right use cases that prove the best business value has proved challenging for many operators. This series will provide you with the ammunition to bolster your AI efforts and race past your competition.
It’s noteworthy, to begin with the question of comparison: why Netflix? What does Netflix have to do with casino operators? Why should we look to them for aspects like personalised recommendations and behavioural analytics?
Amidst the extensive coverage and buzz on personalisation, the streaming giant stands out as one of the best, renowned for delivering highly captivating and personalised user experiences. On average, a Netflix subscriber spends 2-3 hours a day on the service, an enviable statistic that most operators would love to emulate (responsibly).
Netflix has become synonymous with navigating through thousands of pieces of content and curating personalised experiences that encourage loyalty.
There are many learnings you can take from Netflix to offer impactful personalisation that reduces your churn and improves your player’s experience. This series will lay out the key use cases and underutilised methods that you can drive into your casino, areas that you may not have considered, and approaches to real-time player interaction.
Over the coming weeks, Anthem will release individual chapters of our upcoming playbook that break down the core components for casinos from the king of personalisation. We’ll dive deep into each of the 9 use cases.
To keep in the loop and be the first to see them, sign up here, and you’ll be emailed on their release.
Alternatively, if you’d like to see AI in action right now, book a demo with our specialists to walk you through the use cases that make the most sense for you.