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Video Recording | 23 November 2023

Watch the fireside chat with responsible gambling expert,
Svend Aage Kirk

This insightful talk features Svend Aage Kirk alongside Anthem’s Head of Data, Edmond Mitchell, as they discuss how operators can best keep players safe in a world where traditional rules-based compliance systems are becoming outdated.

Find out how real-time, personalised interactions help nudge players back to safety in a controlled, sustainable way that will help you grow and succeed responsibly.

What you’ll learn:

  • The increased impact of automated problem gambling interventions and why rules-based approaches are becoming outdated
  • How operators can best keep players safe by utilising personalised real-time interactions and nudges
  • The foundations of adopting a positive play approach and sustainable play every day, not just during Safer Play Week

    Powered by the intelligence gleaned from Anthem's best-in-class Amplifier AI product – which has processed a staggering 260 billion transactions and is delivering over 650k direct personalised interactions daily – this is a unique opportunity to see and learn about actionable strategies to address the crucial topic of player safety, from the lens of data.
Watch the recording

 React in real-time

3 simple steps to Amplifier AI's Sustainable Play

Step 1

Real-time trigger

Be informed in the moments that matter

Step 2

Real-time output

Flexible feeds in real-time or batch

Step 3

Real-time action

High-risk player and positive-play interventions